Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Book Cover and other preparations for novel writing

It does not matter where you are in your preparation for your novel for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). There are a few steps to always take when you are coming up with an idea for a novel. You might want to grab a journal and go through each of these points one by one.

1 What is the title of your novel? (Even if it is a temporary one.) 
2 What genre is it? 
3 What is a sentence summary and hook for the book?
4 What is a two-sentence summary for the book?
5 What is a four-sentence summary for the book?
6 What is a paragraph summary for the book?
7 What is a two-paragraph summary for the book?
8 What is a three-paragraph summary for the book?
9 What is the back cover (one-page) for the book?
10 Design your front cover. 
11 Start to make an outline.
12 If you have the time, expand your outline and include more subpoints. 

Type and print all of the above out and carry with you at all times for inspiration.

So, where are you in the planning process? 

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Author
A timeless kind of love... 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: Keep an eye on my writing blog
Journaling Chronicle: Weekend journaling

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