Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How do we hear the voice of God (or how do we hear God)?

How do we hear the voice of God (or how do we hear God)?

How do we listen to God? The simplest and best answer to this question is: We hear God through the Bible, when we pray, through the Church, and others. 

This then brings up another question: How do we know it's God and not the enemy or our own wishful thinking?

God will repeat what He says in multiples ways at multiple times. He would prefer us to respond immediately, but if we are testing to make sure it is Him and not someone or something else, He will cut us some grace. 

So, how do we do this and what does it look like?

First of all, open the Bible, read one word. Guess what? You just heard from God. Read more of the Bible and you'll hear more from Him. He will speak to you as you read the Word. I guarantee it. He speaks through His Word and into our hearts as He tells us what the verse means for us and our lives today. 

Rule of Thumb: What God says NEVER contradicts His Bible.  

The more we are in the Word of God, the Bible, each day, the more we will hear from God.

If we are not in the Bible each day, we cans till hear God in other ways and through others, but is it really God speaking? Or is it our own wishful thinking or the enemy? That is the question. If we are not in the Bible, we are blowing around in the wind like a windsock, not having any control. We are waving around, but do not have focus. We are going every way imaginable, hoping to find our way and settle down. But, this is wrong. It's only through being in the Word throughout the day and night that we can guarantee we hear God. The Bible is our focal point. It keeps us on the path and prevents us from wandering aimlessly. 

We will hear from God in the Scripture. 

From there, we will have it verified in other ways. God will make sure He gets His message through to us, as long as we are praying for it (and in our prayer journaling). How He does this is through confirming it through others, through the church, through a radio ministry, in our Bible study (personal and in group), and through our prayers. Each becomes an exclamation point. 

So, how do we hear God? It's most importantly through being in the Bible throughout the day and night, every day. After all, the Bible is the WORD OF GOD. It's how He speaks to us.

So, read through your Bible this year or over the next two. Find a plan and stick to it. I recommend this. You can go to their website on your laptop or PC, and they also have an app for your cell or e-reader. It is YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/.

Another thing to remember is to listen about 75% of your prayer time. God cannot get through to us if we are talking so much He can't get a word in and we sure cannot hear Him if we are babbling. 

God speaks to us all the time. We just need to listen and be in the Word all day and night. 

TIP: Every day, I pick at least one verse I want to pray all day and night. God speaks to me through it. I carry it with me everywhere I go and look at it at every opportunity. Moreover, I think on it and chew on it throughout the day and night as well. This is the best way God speaks to me. It's always a verse I choose from my Bible reading or studying of the day. 

(Image Credit: Stacy Duplease 2009-2014.)

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