Monday, November 21, 2011

Can you have a loyal Christian faith in Pakistan or in the United States?

Please take a look at this link for the original source first before you read the rest of this blog post:

What are your first impressions? If they were anything like mine, it was, "No, kidding." (Sarcasm.) "I'm not surprised that Jesus is one of 1,600 words now illegal to text in Pakistan. 

Why am I not surprised? Pakistan doesn't believe in what we would call our First Amendment rights. Also, there is no freedom of religion in Pakistan. They are not allowed to practice the Christian faith there. 

But, this is not a condemn Pakistan blog post. It's just acknowledgement of the truth of their situation. 

You know what? This blog post is critical today. It fits right in to our a loyal faith Bible study. Therefore, grab your journal workbooks, please.

315 Are you surprised that mentioning the name of Jesus is being banned in texting in Pakistan? Explain your answer. 


316 How far off is the United States of America from Pakistan? How close are the worldviews? How close are the beliefs between the two countries? Explain thoroughly your answer. 

317 Do you think you can have a loyal Christian faith in the U.S. today? Explain.

318 Do you think Christians are treated in the USA the same as Muslims (or fill in any other religion here)? Explain your answer.

319 Do you think we have the same freedom to practice the Christian faith as we did 5 years ago? 320 10 years ago? 321 15 years ago?

322 Can you speak the name Jesus everywhere you go today in the U.S.? Freely and openly? Or, would you hesitate? Or has it been banned in your setting? Be thorough in your explanation, please.

323 Can you wear a cross everywhere you go in the U.S.?

324 Do you ever hesitate to pray in public before a meal?

325 Does the U.S. try to silence just the name of Jesus? Explain.

Here is where U.S. news gets interesting. I do not care if you like football or not. I don't care if you like the Denver Broncos or Tim Tebow or not. That is not the issue here. But, in case you didn't know, he is the quarterback from the Denver Broncos and wears the number 15. He is on fire and is quite upfront about his faith in Jesus Christ. 

Fans have been buying jerseys and putting the name, 'Jesus' on the back of their jersey, rather than Tebow's name. 

On the National News yesterday, they did a segment as to whether that was okay or not. after all, the name of 'Jesus' can be offensive to some people. 

So, I ask you again... Can you have a loyal Christian faith in Pakistan or in the United States?

Can you speak the name of Jesus in the U.S. without hesitation? 

Is the U.S. more like Pakistan than we think?

Can we be free in the United States to be a Christian? Or are we told to 'hush'?

Please think about this. Be real. Do not live in denial. 

326 Write your thoughts.

327 What did God say to you?

328 What did you say to God? 

329 What three things you can do to spread the name and belief in Jesus Christ to those around you--and get immediately active in doing so (while you still can):

Stacy Duplease
Bible Study Writer & Blogger
A Loyal Faith
Find my books at/store: 

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