Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My journal is the one thing in this life I can completely control, if I desire.

However, there is nothing more powerful than writing in my journal and being surprised with what I said on the page. Therefore, sometimes it is nice to relinquish control and see where the muse might lead.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author


  1. Journaling is a wonderful tool to get your feelings down (bad/good) to vent, laugh and just enjoy the time to yourself.


  2. Journaling is a wonderful tool to get your feelings down (bad/good) to vent, laugh and just enjoy the time to yourself.


  3. Isn't that the truth?

    Journaling is how I spoil myself. I feel like a million bucks after I journal--and get it all out on the page.

  4. Isn't that the truth?

    Journaling is how I spoil myself. I feel like a million bucks after I journal--and get it all out on the page.
