Thursday, January 10, 2013


Honesty is a critical foundation with journaling. Be honest first and foremost. Your journal is the one place you can, and should, be honest.

If you ever think twice about writing something down, you should.

If you ever try to avoid writing something down, you should.

Why did I say the last two comments? It is because they are true. If you second-guess what you write, or try to avoid what you write, then you are not being completely honest. If you are not being completely honest, you have issues you need to work through. Your journal is the best place for you to do so.

Be fully honest. Your journal can take it. It will pay off for you. You will learning about yourself that surprise you and will help you understand more about would you are and how what makes you tick.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author


  1. Honesty in your journaling is so helpful. Even if you forget something, once you remember you can go back and write what you've forgotten. You can be totally honest when you journal. The words you write are for your eyes only.


  2. Honesty in your journaling is so helpful. Even if you forget something, once you remember you can go back and write what you've forgotten. You can be totally honest when you journal. The words you write are for your eyes only.

