Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 11 Psalm 1:2 (Cont.)

Day 11 Psalm 1:2 (Cont.)

I look forward to another day of pondering this verse and seeing what God reveals. 

To where and to whom do I go to find my delight? What an honest, penetrating question. I can avoid it and avoid the uncomfortable feeling it brings or realize that the instinct to ignore the question and run from it is actually a sign I need to address it. And, I should address it fully, head-on, immediately, and linger there for a bit to make sure I get to all of the reasons it makes me want to cringe. 

To where and do whom do I go to find my delight?

Writing is one. My husband is another. Journaling is another--and so are getting lost in reading a book or watching a television show or movie, family, exercise, food, coffee, crafts, photography, friends, etc. They are all things I turn to for my delight. Then, I wonder why at times it isn't fulfilling and why I'm left with the feeling I want more and like those just simply aren't enough. Well... Isn't that telling me something? They aren't enough. There are only three things that can bring me fulfillment. Period. End of story. God, the Word, and eternity. Nothing else can. No one else can. 

Now, why don't I live like this were the truth all the time? Why do I try to find delight elsewhere? Every single time I do, without fail, I fall flat on my face. I realize all over again I mess up because I don't get it quite right. 

My only delight can be found in God (Jesus and the Holy Spirit, too, of course), the Word, and in eternity. 


Any questions? 

Lord, help me to Prayer: learn this through constant reading, studying, and thinking on your Word, the Bible. 

Prayer journal your thoughts. 

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