Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mother's Day (and Father's Day) Insensitivity: A Day of Pain and Not Celebration for Some

This is a difficult blog post. I've written it several times and have then deleted it. But, the more I keep receiving blog posts in my email about Mother's Day, I decided I cannot wait any longer to broach the subject. This is to help others see another side of Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is a very painful day for five groups of people (not in any order--just numbered points):
1 Those who have lost their moms in the last year (or longer).
2 Those who do not know their mom or have a mom?
3 Those estranged from their mom.
4 Those who are infertile and can't be a mom.
5 Those who have lost a baby or child.

Please, Christians, Churches, and Bloggers, be very careful about capitalizing on this day. I understand one blog post on Mother's Day, but every day leading up to it--for a month? Talk about ripping open the sore over and over and over. Enough. I beg of you. Think.

It hurts.


Churches, please, offer a separate service where Mother's Day and Father's Day isn't mentioned. There are some of us who will not go to church because it is so painful to hear about. If there was a neutral service, so we can turn to God with others who are experiencing the same pain, it would be very beneficial. I don't like to ever feel like I can't go to church. Mother's Day and Father's Day are two days I cannot--and will not--unless it's neutral.

Bloggers, it's quite painful to have several emails I receive that have the mentioning of Mother's Day in them. Please be courteous and thoughtful about how painful this day can be.

People in general, don't wish everyone you see a Happy Mother's Day. What if that person cannot have a child? This hurts. (Or the other four reasons it's a painful day.)

Sorry to be harsh here, but this needs to be said. If you do not understand what I am saying, and I know there are some who just don't see the big deal, then trust me in this. It is. Just because you don't grasp it, it doesn't mean you aren't hurting another. I can't disappear for a month or two. I have to keep carrying on with life, but how can I when I am constantly being reminded of what I cannot have?

Just some thoughts from a fool, asking people to be a little more thoughtful and considerate for the pain people can cause others...

I am sorry for being so bah-humbug. I just ask you to think. That's all.

Does anyone else know what I mean?

Ugh. What a tough blog post. Blah.

(Image Credit: Microsoft images online 2008-2014.)

Updated on May/03/2014

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